Gerard M. Pillai
Strategy Advisor
Gerard has more than 20 years of industry experience working for Global Multinational Consulting Organization, Coopers & Lybrand (now PriceWaterhouseCoopers), United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) funded Inter Governmental Organization in addition to advising technology companies from start up to growth stages, including overseeing Mergers & Acquisitions by Global Brands and IPOs.
He is a past Councilor of PIKOM (The National ICT Association of Malaysia), a member of Technopreneur Association of Malaysia(TeAM), past panelist for MDeC (Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation) committees, Evaluator for Government Committees, Panelist for SIRIM, HRDF Committees among other appointments.
In 1999, he was accepted as a Professional member of the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia. He is a member of the Institute of Marketing Malaysia (IMM), Malaysian Association of Facility Management (MAFM) and Associate of the Institute of Asset Management, UK.
Gerard is also a member of the Malaysian Finance Association, an Associate member of the Malaysian Association of Certified Coaches and a member of the Malaysia Australia Business Council.
He was also the Consulting Chief Operating Officer for a currently listed entity on the ACE Market.Gerard graduated with a BA(Hons) Accounting & Finance (Liverpool, United Kingdom) and MBA (International Management) (Australia) in 1993 and 2001 respectively.